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Rita Taylor

Phone: 602-909-6563
Fax: 480-385-2706

It's a fact of life - First impressions are lasting impressions!

Very few of us are blessed with the perfect body. With clothing we can create the illusion of body balance.
We offer women participants expert beauty strategy & image enhancement skills.
We offer male participants image strategies and nonverbal manner skills.

Seminars for Today's Parents
Educating children and teenagers in etiquette may not be as easy as years ago. But, it's not as difficult as parents may believe; and the lifetime benefits are nearly limitless.
Result: Parents will learn some helpful advice and information on the correct manners to teach.

Socially Correct Singles Seminars
Do you want to be a person that conveys passion, confidence, poise and character? Many people display their deepest fears - that they are unlovable or that there is something wrong with them. Your dreams can come true -
But first you must be clear about who you are and whom is right for you.
Result: Singles will feel more empowered and in control. In addition increases their self-esteem through self-knowledge, so it improves their chances of dating success.


Social Dining Skills & Appropriate Wardrobe
Since first impressions are often formed at a dinner table   -   poor table manners and inappropriate social attires can often lead to negative first impressions, which is sometimes the lasting impression.
Result: Participants will learn to project a refined social image for themselves, and at the same time - never again have to worry about using the proper social etiquette skills.

Entertaining Etiquette for Social Events
There is only one effective approach to entertaining successfully and it involves turning your attention to organizing and effective advice. It is entirely possible to host lovely parties and add finesse without breaking your back or your bank account.
Result: Participants learn creative & exciting information that will inspire them to throw special gatherings, parties & other social events that will be remembered for years to come!

Social Etiquette
Customary rules of courtesy alter with our changing times. So, with the fast pace changes occurring in our social scene, you just can't afford to be left behind. It's all about the way you present yourself!
Result: Participants will learn proper social solutions to the sticky situations we face on a daily basis.

Travel Etiquette
Traveling can be stressful if you're not prepared. The smart social traveler begins each journey armed with a positive attitude and the ability to deal with difficult situations This seminar will put you on the right path to be a confident and organized social traveler..
Result: Participant will learn current social travel etiquette techniques and the appropriate wardrobe attire which constitutes a refined traveler.
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